Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Almost there!

I only have $200 left to raise. Any money above that will go toward my immunizations this Friday.

Pray as this months goes on that I will be prepared to share my testimony with the people I come in contact with. Pray that all of the money comes in and that I don't forget to buy/pack anything I will need. Pray that my body will be strong and healthy to fight any sickness that I come in contact with.


Monday, April 27, 2009

Donations and Comments

If you stop by to visit this blog, please leave me a comment and let me know. It's nice to know people out there are praying.


For those of you who have asked and for those of you who want to donate:

There is a paypal button on the lefthand side of the screen down a little from my picture. That will take you to a paypal donation screen set up for me.

Or you can mail a check if you'd like to do it that way. Email slginnm@hotmail.com and mom will give you our address if you don't have it.

Thanks Again!!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

A month away!

Well, it's getting closer!!

Time for vaccinations and time to begin shopping for the essentials (Like clothing soak and bug spray!)

In one month and one week we will be setting off for Ecuador.

I've been chosen for a team of 6 (out of 26) to go to Santo Domingo while we are there.

Please pray for us as we begin the final countdown. In between now and then I still have school, which means in 3 1/2 weeks we have FINALS!!!
