Saturday, December 13, 2008


November 6th - Interest meeting and sign up for trip

November 20th - meeting
Mr. Porter will be available as notary

December 4th - meeting
Support letters
7pm parent meeting @ Hope

December 19th - Application complete and submitted
Discipline agreement complete and submitted
$150 deposit to reserve trip spot

January 8th - meeting

January 22nd - meeting

January 30th - $500 due
Apply for passport
Begin immunizations (Hep A, Hep B, and all childhood immunizations current)

February 5th - meeting

February 19th - meeting

February 27th - $500 due
passport copies due

February 28th - Ecuador concert 6-11 pm (tentative date/time)

March 5th - meeting

March 19th - meeting

March 20th - $500 due

March 21st - leadership training

March 22nd - team training

March 29th - team training

April _____ - Travel nurse consolation (typhoid immunizations, learn food and hygiene precautions)

April 2nd - meeting

April 16th - meeting

April 17th - $500 due (all remaining funds)

April 30th - meeting

May 14th - meeting

May 25th-27th - VBS planning and purchasing
Compassion days planing and purchasing
Practice of songs, skits, and VBS craft activities
Packing donations

May 27th - send off party

May 27th-28th - Ecuador girls and guys night

May 31st-June 15th - ECUADOR TRIP!!!!!

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