Monday, June 8, 2009

#3 from Ecuador: Email from one of the boys to his parents


Sorry it took so long for my first email. It has been so much fun out here. The first three days we have been working at Carmen Bajo church. The first day was mostly moving bricks and getting up on the roof to move sand up there for making concrete. Tuesday we did a lot of shoveling and we also did our first VBS with the kids. It was so fun playing with them and even though I do not speak a ton of spanish, I could still communicate with them and it was amazing.

On Wednesday, i had the chance to go to a man named Jose´s house to help out there. This was by far the most amazing thing. Jose is in a wheel chair and is paralyzed from the waist down. He has two kids and a wife but their house is in a spot where mudslides pretty much ruin everything. We built a wall to support it against mud slides and we also built a ramp for Jose to go up and down the different layers of his house on his wheel chair. This was the last day we could work with him and as we were getting ready to leave, he prayed for us. His prayer (what I could understand of it) was so tear jerking. He was praying for our legs and feet because he does not have that luxury and that no harm could ever come to us, among other things. He gave me one of the crafts he makes to sell for a living and I was moved beyond belief. I wanted to pay him but that would be considered very rude.

The food has been AWESOME here as well. Breakfast and dinner are always very good and lunch is awesome as well. We have gotten three course meals for lunch every day. That is about all the updates I have for now, I´ll be sending another email soon hopefully. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

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