Monday, April 27, 2009

Donations and Comments

If you stop by to visit this blog, please leave me a comment and let me know. It's nice to know people out there are praying.


For those of you who have asked and for those of you who want to donate:

There is a paypal button on the lefthand side of the screen down a little from my picture. That will take you to a paypal donation screen set up for me.

Or you can mail a check if you'd like to do it that way. Email and mom will give you our address if you don't have it.

Thanks Again!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey im reading all of these and will hopefully have internet on the cruise so that i can read up on what is going on! i am and will be praying for you!!
love you, talia

and how much more money do you need?